Five Quick Questions - Ollie Clements

Five quick fire questions on working in the sports industry with Ollie Clements, Senior Business Development Manager at Genius Sports.

1 - Who is your sports business inspiration? 

Aidan Cooney (CEO of InCrowd) – just an all round legend of the industry and has such a good way with people whilst being one of the most knowledgeable.

2 - Name an organisation in sport we should be following and why?

The Hundred, because they have created a new competition, being innovative with strategy, leading the way in digital, activating sponsors in new ways and are changing the stadium experience.

3 - What is your top recommendation for great sports industry content?

Sports Industry Group. They cover all the relevant sports business topics on a daily basis, giving the opportunity to understand what is happening.

4 - What is the biggest thing you have learned from your career in sports so far?

Whether you like sales, marketing, design, data, coding, or research there is a position in sports for you.

5 - Finally, your one non-negotiable for anyone looking to get into a career in sports?

Be yourself, it’s a very personable industry and you as a person will be taken into account as much if not more than your experience.

If you interested in reading more from Ollie, his full interview can be found here.


Ben Phillips - Business Development Lead at Outbox


Agnes Hau - Senior Product Manager at Infront X