Five Quick Questions - Max Wright

Five quick fire questions on working in the sports industry with Max Wright, Analyst at Premiership Rugby.

1 - Who is your sports business inspiration? 

Roger Goodell, Commissioner of the NFL. Starting as an intern and working his way up to the Commissioner role is a great show of progress, and the NFL is riding high after his 16 years at the helm.

2 - Name an organisation in sport we should be following and why?

Sportable are a tech company doing awesome things with microchips that'll soon become a mainstream thing in the industry. Currently focused on rugby, I'm sure there are big things that could come from them in other sports.

3 - What is your top recommendation for great sports industry content?

Given my role in the non-commercial side of the industry, I've read as many books as possible on wider sport, picking up snippets to expand knowledge. I recommended Soccernomics by Kuper and Syzmanski, or Wages of Wins by Berri, Schmidt and Brook.

4 - What is the biggest thing you have learned from your career in sports so far?

Being competitive and wanting to win, combined with sportsmanship and fun works just as well off the pitch as it does on it.

5 - Finally, your one non-negotiable for anyone looking to get into a career in sports?

Always put your hand up to help, and smile along the way.

If you interested in reading more from Max, his full interview can be found here.


Robert Gevertz - Founder at First Five Yards


Hayley Smith - Head of Sales at Silverstone Circuits