Hayley Smith - Head of Sales at Silverstone Circuits

“It is a huge adrenaline rush during the event, then afterwards you are hit with a huge sense of achievement”

After graduating from Loughborough Hayley began forging a career in sports venues and events. Crafting her skills over more than 15 years in the events business, today she heads up the venue & circuit sales functions at the iconic home of British motorsport, Silverstone.

Introduce yourself! 

I’m Hayley, born and raised in West London, now living in the leafy suburbs of Gerrards Cross. I have always been a very keen netball player, playing on average 3 times a week, sometimes more if I over commit myself – more often than not! 😊 I went to Loughborough, one of the best known universities dedicated to Sport, from a competitive level but also from an educational perspective. It was here I continued my love for netball, and where I started my career path into sports and business management.

I have always been a Fulham fan – didn’t really have too much choice on that – first born and was literally dribbling all the way to craven cottage as a baby!

Tell us a little bit about Silverstone Circuits and what your role is there.

As Head of Sales at Silverstone it is a very diverse role – where you may need to wear many different hats on many different days – chaotic, but hands down the best job I have ever had! Most people, particularly with a common interest in sports, are very familiar with Silverstone and what it stands for, as the home of British motorsport. However, having worked in events myself for over 15 years, I wasn’t aware of the B2B events that Silverstone could accommodate at the venue. My biggest task when I first started in the role was to increase awareness, and put Silverstone on the radar for B2B events, meetings, exhibitions, awards dinners etc.

I was then promoted in January this year (2022) to also manage the circuit side of the business to include all aspects of testing, and exclusive hire to clients. The transition of the two elements of the business to work hand in hand together makes complete sense, our role as the larger team now is to maximise and optimise both the venue and the circuit, away from all our major events and smaller club meetings.

Did you take on any higher education courses (university etc?) and if so, how does that relate to what you do now?

I eluded to this slightly earlier, I studied for a degree in sports management, and specialised in event management in my final year. Personally, the student life taught me interpersonal and life skills, that I wouldn’t have learnt having stayed in my home environment. My knowledge and love of Sport has definitely helped with my career, and can help with business relationships, when working in an account management role for example.

“seeing the satisfaction scores days after is a different level of achievement!”

What does your career history look like and how did you get into working in sport?

I have always worked in sporting venues – and I have also worked in a role within that, that is not the prime revenue stream. You might say I like a challenge!

I have always worked in events, and am very passionate about events in general, and the benefits that come from holding live events, from a networking and engagement piece to awesome content! 😊 I have worked at event venues, where there main focus has always been sport, given whether that’s Horse racing, Football or motorsports. It is always the same concept, everyone knows a certain venue because of what it is, what the prime focus is, and ultimately the brand behind it and the buying power that comes with that. Not everyone is familiar with the additional elements of such a business – that’s my job!! To reach out to the wider audience/fan base and engage from a corporate perspective in what is achievable here at Silverstone.What do you enjoy most about working in the sport industry?

What do you enjoy most about working in the sport industry?

I can't pick just one, so I've shared two! The first one is the pace – its marmite some love it and some hate it – but the fast pace is known throughout working in sport and this can change intermittently depending on last minute fixture/date/calendar changes – stakeholder relationships are pivotal for this, both internal and external.

The second is the sense of achievement and pride – I am very proud to say I work at Silverstone for so many reasons – the culture and people being the main one! That aside, when you have worked at the F1, Moto GP and you put everything into it, seeing and engaging with the fans on the day, and then seeing the satisfaction scores days after is a different level of achievement! It is a huge adrenaline rush during the event, then afterwards you are hit with a huge sense of achievement and masses of pride!

Name one thing that excites you about the future of sport that you have learned from your role?

EDI – Equality, inclusion and diversity – women in sport for example, I have seen such a shift change since I first started working in sport and its fantastic to see.

“Everything is achievable – if you really want something it will happen”

Share your favourite experience that has come as a result of your work in sport.

Again – it’s the people here!! Working with first ever F1 will probably go down as my proudest moment and this would not have been possible without the people here, this goes to the wider team of volunteers, racemakers etc aswell as the full time staff.

How could someone try to elevate their chances of securing a job in sport?

Reach out to people in roles you would like to consider – this is what I did and it does pay off. More and more businesses are offering internships now, or shadow days. Volunteer at large sporting events and major events this will help understanding the operational and logistic side.

What is your one rule for success when it comes to developing a career in sports? 

Everything is achievable – if you really want something it will happen – be patient for it to be right for you.

Want to connect with Hayley or learn more about Silverstone Circuits?

You can connect with Hayley via LinkedIn, and learn more about Silverstone Circuits via their website and LinkedIn page


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